- Pre-Evo 2011 Updates
- Evolution 2011 Summary: Day 2
- Evolution 2011 Summary: Day 3
- The Japanese - Who's coming to Evo 2011
- Main channel (for SSF4AE, MVC3, all games in Sunday)
- Sub channel (for Tekken and BlazBlue)
- Main channel (low bandwidth)
SSF4AE Pools (chronological order)
- Fuudo (Fei) 2-0 SinisterX (Dha)
- Kindevu (Yun) 2-0 GameWizard
- [Pool 7] Shungoku Neurosis is sent to Losers by Mike Ross
- Sabin (Dha) 2-0 Keybot (Bla)
- Floe (Yang) 2-0 Airic (Dan)
- Dieminion (Gui) 2-0 Johnny Castille (Rose/Fue)
- Kindevu survived the pool and in Winners (4 wins)
- Ranmasama (Ruf) 2-0 Jebailey (Boxer/Ryu)
- Shiro is sent to Losers by Sabin (Rose) He got the first game plus first round but still lost.
- Fuudo survived his pool in Winners. He sent Dieminion to Losers
- Floe is in Losers
- Chris G is in Losers
- Infiltration (Akuma) 2-0 Kwyjibo (Cody)
- Justin Wong (Rufus) 2-0 Gliggarman (Oni)
- Wolf Krone survived the pool in Winners
- Ryan Hart (Ryu) 2-0 Jesus Paez (Guile)
- AndyOCR is in Losers
- Shungoku Neurosis and Shiro survived the pools in Losers
- Sabin survived the pool in Winners
- Infiltration (Aku) 2-0 MenoJazz (Abel)
- Toxy (Aku) 2-0 hAMM (Box)
- Justin Wong (Ruf) 2-0 JewelMan (Honda) The Honda gave away a free game from a big mistake.
- Kayane (Chun) 1-2 GrandMasterJ (DeeJ) She went to Losers
- Ryan Hart (Yun) 2-0 Banksters (Yun)
- Mago, Ricky Ortiz, ChocoBlanka are in Winners final of their pool.
- Justin Wong (Ruf) 2-0 Alphonso (Yun)
- Infiltration (Ryu) 2-0 Fatbear (Yun)
- Xian (Yun) 2-0 KX (Ibu)
- Justin Wong and Ricky Ortiz survived the pool in Winners
- SherryJenix (Viper) 1-2 Choke King (Claw)
- Ryan Hart (Yun) 2-0 Cynistar (Aku)
- Gootecks is in Losers
- Mago survived the pool in Winners
- Starnab (Fei) 2-0 Lamerboi (Gui)
- Other people who qualified their pool in Winners: Toxy, Ryan Hart, Infiltration, iPeru, Fubarduck, Hugo101, Xian, Tatsu
- (Canadian?) Air is in Losers.
- Other people who qualified their pool in Winners: Chris Hu, Min, Latif
- PR Rog (Box) 0-2 Starnab (Fei)
- Warahk (Gui) 2-0 Steve H (Sagat)
- Other people who qualified their pool in Winners: Combofiend
- JuiceBox (Abe) 2-0 Erickson (Dha/Ryu)
- RF (Sagat) 2-0 DJ Vest (Blanka)
- UltraDavid (Dan) 1-2 Hydro (Gouken) Heartbreaking!
- Other people who qualified their pool in Winners: Flash Metroid, Perfect Legend
- RF survived the pool in Winners, but Laugh in Losers
- Yipes (Dic) 0-2 Rule (Yun)
- Other people who qualified their pool in Winners: Vangief
- 14:15 - Tokido (Aku) 2-0 Kinetic (Yang)
- Poongko (Seth) 2-0 El Cubansomething (Claw)
- Other people who qualified their pool in Winners: Starnab, JuiceBox
- Filipino Champ (Dha) 2-0 Brandon (Gui)
- 14:35 - KayoPolice (Viper) 2-0 Jon Layton (Fei) She won 4 rounds straight. Then gave a hug to her opponent.
- Momochi (Yun) 2-0 Blockbuster Jon (Adon)
- Momochi (Yun) 2-0 German Luger (Claw)
- Now all in Winners final 4 of their pool: Nyanshi, Poongko, F. Champ, Tokido
- Poongko (Seth) 2-0 Ronnicle (Sagat)
- Hsien Chang (Yun) 2-0 Zerosomething (Juri)
- Momochi (Yun) 2-0 negroMAX (Guy)
- 15:30 - KayoPolice (Viper) 2-0 Killer Kai (Ryu) Kayo was on her knee with her stick on the chair. She lost just 1 round, made opponent dizzy twice.
- Poongko (Seth) 2-0 phisomething (Box)
- 15:40 - Tokido (Aku) 2-0 Sol (Sakura)
- Nyanshi in Losers final and was eliminated? [Pic]
- KayoPolice sent to Losers (not on stream)
- Banana Ken (Ken) 2-1 Jayce the Ace (Viper)
- 16:00 - Kayo eliminated (not on stream)
- GamerBee (Adon) 2-0 Chaelle (Dud)
- Nabe won his third game, says Mago
- 16:48 - Umehara won his first match
- In Winner final of their pool: John Choi, Alex Valle
- Alex Valle (Dic/Ryu) 2-1 Blahguy (Abel)
- Qualified the pool in Winners: Alex Valle
- Marn (Vip) 1-2 John Wayne (Zan) Marn to the Losers
- 17:39 - Umehara playing on the stream for the first time! It's Winners Final of his pool
- Umehara (Yun) 2-0 IPW Deuce (Yun) He won 4 rounds straight. And looks like he's using the prototyped SFxTekken stick from before.
SSF4AE Pools Round 2?
- GamerBee (Ado) 2-0 Leland (Zan)
- Alex Valle (Ryu) 2-0 Mincersomething (Fue)
- Alex Valle (Ryu) 2-0 Future Champ (Fei)
- Poongko (Seth) 2-0 Mike Chow (Abe) *combo exhibition
- 18:38 - Tokido (Aku) 2-0 Weapons Left (Zan)
- Ruin (Yun) 0-2 Shady K (Ryu)
- Cupcake Panda (Juri) 0-2 Kenshin T1 (Bla)
- Justin Wong (Ruf) 2-1 Fubarduck (Yun)
- Kindevu is now in Losers
- Mike Ross now in Losers
- AndyOCR (Dic) 2-0 Salsa? (Chun)
- Vangief (Zan) 1-2 Dr. Ray (Fei) Vangief to Losers
- 19:25 - Umehara playing Long Island Joe (no stream)
- Ruin (Yun/Aku) 2-1 James Jones (Ruf)
- Shiro won 4 matches
- Kazi (Fue) 0-2 Starnab (Fei)
- Umehara defeated Long Island Joe
- 19:40 - Mago 1-2 Justin Wong *38,700 viewers Mago to Losers
- 19:52 - Umehara (Yun) 2-0 John Choi (Sagat) *40,000+ viewers Umehara lost a round
- Ryan Hart (Oni/Yun) 0-2 Latif (Vip)
- F. Champ (Dha) 0-2 Poongko (Seth)
- Alex Valle defeated GamerBee
- Mago (Fei) 2-0 Aquasilk (Zan) *41,000 viewers
- Alex Valle, Momochi, Flash Metroid still in Winners, GamerBee, Sanford in Losers
- Chris Hu (Oni) 0-2 Infiltration (Aku)
- Sabin lost to Xian and was eliminated by Kindevu.
- Mike Ross eliminated
- Shungoku Neurosis eliminated
SSF4AE Top 32
- [Losers] Mago vs. Ryan Hart (no stream)
- [Losers] Kindevu (Aku) 1-0 Leslie (Sagat)
- [Winners] 20:55 - Umehara (Yun) 2-1 Alex Valle (Ryu) *44,300 viewers
- [Losers] 21:07 - Mago (Fei) 2-0 Infiltration (Aku)
- [Losers] Shiro eliminated Banana Ken (no stream)
- [Winners] DR Ray (Fei) 0-2 801Strider (Makoto)
- [Winners] Fuudo (Fei) 2-1 Xian (Yun) Fuudo made a comeback
- [Winners] Combofiend (Guy) 1-2 Flash Metroid (Zan)
- [Winners] 21:42 - Tokido (Aku) 2-1 Momochi (Yun) epic match *45,700 viewers
- [Winners] CJ Truth (Fei) 1-2 Wolf Krone (Vip)
- [Winners] Justin Wong (Ruf) 1-2 Latif (Vip) *46,800 viewers
- [Losers] Evans (Fei) 2-0 Combofiend (Guy)
- [Losers] Kindevu (Yun) 2-0 F. Champ (Seth/Dha)
- [Losers] Mago (Fei) 2-1 Momochi (Yun) Wow.
- [Losers] Alex Valle (Ryu) 0-2 RF (Sagat)
- [Losers] JuiceBox (Juri) 2-0 CJ Truth (Fei)
- [Losers] Shiro (Makoto) 2-0 Kun Xian (Yun) OMG. *S-Kill's reaction after the match is priceless.
- [Losers] Justin Wong (Ruf) 2-0 Hsien Chang (Yun)
- [Losers] GamerBee (Ado) 1-2 DR Ray (Fei)
- [Losers] 23:10 - Kindevu (Yun) 2-0 Evans (Fei)
- [Losers] Mago (Fei) 2-0 RF (Sagat)
- [Losers] 23:20 - Shiro (Makoto) 0-2 JuiceBox (Abe)
- [Losers] Justin Wong (Ruf) 0-2 DR Ray (Fei)
- [Winners] 23:35 - Umehara (Yun) 2-0 Tokido (Aku) Umehara in top 8 now
- [Winners] Poongko (Set) 2-0 Flash Metroid (Zan/Vip) Poongko in top 8
- [Winners] Latif (Vip) 2-0 801Strider (Makoto) Latif in top 8 now
- [Winners] Fuudo (Fei) 2-0 Wolf Krone (Vip) Fuudo won 4 rounds straight and in top 8
- [Losers] DR Ray (Fei) 0-2 Flash Metroid (Zan)
- [Losers] Kindevu (Yun) 2-1 801Strider (Sagat/Abel)
- [Losers] 00:17 - Mago (Fei) 1-2 Wolfkrone (Vip)
- [Losers] Tokido (Aku) 2-0 JuiceBox (Juri) Tokido in top 8
- 00:30 - It's over.
SSF4AE Top 8 (playing on Sunday)
- Daigo Umehara
- Poongko
- Latif
- Fuudo
- Flash Metroid
- Kindevu
- Wolfkrone
- Tokido
Updates (Time is local time)
- 9:20 - Kindevu and eLive boss [Pic]
- 9:30 - Nekohashi proved that Umehara is alive. [Pic]
- 9:55 - [Rumor] Someone said there're 50,000 viewers on PSN's Home. Screenshot is needed.
- 10:00 - First panel [Pic]
- 10:10 - Gama-san has his own station [Pic]
- 10:20 - Tokido and Umehara [Pic]
- 10:30 - Tokido (and Gama-san?) [Pic]
- 10:35 - 25,000 viewers on the main stream
- 10:50 - Umehara, TOPANGA, Shiro Team [Pic]
- 10:50 - Umehara and Jebailey [Pic]
- 10:50 - Commentator station [Pic] and behind [Pic]
- 11:00 - Famitsu blog published Mago and Tokido interview (probably done by Gama-san) from yesterday [Link]
- 11:50 - Kayane [Pic]
- 12:00 - James Chen in, UltraDavid out. Ryan Hunter stays. (commentators)
- 12:05 - Mago and Tokido at MadCatz booth [Pic]
- 12:10 - MomoChoco [Pic]
- 12:14 - Ryan Hunter out, Skisonic in
- 12:28 - Shiro said the match against Sabin was due to be streamed, but Sabin refused (The Contradiction 2!)
- 12:30 - Fuudo, Kindevu, Alex Valle, MomoChoco, Frieda [Pic]
- 12:45 - James Chen explaining Damage Scaling to the viewers. Exactly what a good commentator should do.
- 12:45 - Shiro wanted to do a $500 money match with Sabin.
- 12:55 - Tekken CG movie booth [Pic]
- 13:00 - Gama-san streaming on GODSGARDEN channel
- 13:00 - Ricky O. received Hello Kitty goods from Japan as a gift from Choco. (Choco asked if he likes Hello Kitty earlier) [Pic]
- 13:05 - Gama-san's station became Japan booth [Pic]
- 13:30 - Choco is streaming on her channel [Link]
- 13:35 - Nekohashi interviewing F. Champ. He said he'll be in Japan for a week for SBO and NSB with Mike Ross and John Choi
- 13:58 - Kayo is on GG stream, in C. Viper costume!
- 14:00 - Ryan Hunter in, Skisonic out. Finally.
- 14:05 - Kayane and Mago [Pic]
- 14:16 - James Chen showing why he's one of the best commentators by telling Tokido/Nuki story in the first Evo in 2002
- 14:26 - Daigo Umehara panel started [Pic][News]
- 14:37 - Gama-san goes to help Kayo on the stage in her match. People pronounced her name Keiyo instead of Kayo
- 14:40 - Viewers shot to 31,500 then dropped to 30,000 after Kayo match. (main channel)
- 15:15 - Nyanshi's head [Pic]
- 15:20 - Choco's body [Pic]
- 15:40 - GG stream up
- 15:47 - 33,000 viewers
- 15:49 - Ryan Hunter out, SRK Keits in
- 16:05 - Nekohashi interviewing Tom "inkblot" Cannon on GG stream. He said the first Evo has 64 participants but now 2,500.
- 16:20 - Alex Jebailey got Yellow Card for performing Fatality in a Mortal Kombat 9 match. (unconfirmed)
- 16:30 - Kayo and Kayane and Kara are on GG stream [Pic]
- 16:39 - Chen out, Skisonic in
- 16:55 - Skisonic out, Chen in
- 17:30 - Chen and Keits showing knowledges. Other "commentators" should take note.
- 17:58 - (Tekken producer) Harada punched (SF4 producer) Ono in the face [Pic]
- 18:00 - Gama X (Ono's) Blanka [Pic]
- 18:00 - The Bro Fists: Gama & Alex Valle [Pic]
- 18:06 - Keits out, UltraDavid in
- 18:08 - GG stream up. (MvC3 producer) Niitsuma is in the background
- 18:15 - Shiro, Alex Valle, Shungoku Neurosis [Pic]
- 19:05 - The stream went down almost 2 seconds.
- 19:30 - 35,400+ viewers
- 19:59 - Chen out, Seth Killian in
- 20:47 - UltraDavid out, Chen in.
- 20:48 - Umehara using (Ono's) Blanka [Pic]
- 21:55 - Gama-san received latest bracket info [Pic]
- XX:XX - Changes in UMvC3 from the panel [News]
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