Daigo Umehara's Event Schedule 2015

- Canada Cup's Master Series [January 9-11]
- 5th Niconico Shotenkaigi [January 18]
- Yonpahi radio show [January 23]
- 6th Niconico Shotenkaigi [January 25]
- Taipei Game Show [Jan 31]
- Tokaigi 2015 [Feb 1]

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

English version of Vanguard Princess released

The English version of Vanguard Princess is now released (see press release here).

The game was originally made by a former Capcom employee with minimum resources, and was released as free download (video below). This English version is the official localization. There're improvements, but it still has no online play. The price is just $5, even though you can easily sell for $10. Note that the character sprites and the camera are better than some fighting games from bigger developers.

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