Daigo Umehara's Event Schedule 2015

- Canada Cup's Master Series [January 9-11]
- 5th Niconico Shotenkaigi [January 18]
- Yonpahi radio show [January 23]
- 6th Niconico Shotenkaigi [January 25]
- Taipei Game Show [Jan 31]
- Tokaigi 2015 [Feb 1]

Friday, February 14, 2014

The Next Big Thing: Sega announces Blade Arcus

Sega today announced a new 2.5D fighting game called Blade Arcus - from Shining at JAEPO 2014.

Blade Arcus will feature characters from Sega's Shining series and some originals designed by Tony–one of the most famous illustrators in the business.

While not nearly as big, Shining series is Sega's Final Fantasy. The recent RPGs can guarantee at least 50,000 copies each release, some sold 100,000 copies in their first week. Importantly, its merchandises, mainly the figures, is a good source of incomes. Shining series also had two anime (2007 and 2012).

Blade Arcus will be released in the arcades this Summer. Four characters are confirmed so far, but you can guess the rest from the silhouettes in the teaser.

Characters as seen in the teaser

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